Online casino will become legal in Belarus

Online casino will be legal in Belarus from April 1, 2019

From April 1, 2019 online card games (for example, poker) and slot games will be officially allowed in Belarus. In addition to that games in live-regime will be allowed as well, during which real gambling tables, cards, roulettes located in Belarus and abroad are broadcasted online, and participants can play remotely.

How to start online casino in Belarus?

To start operation as online casino in Belarus it is required to get a license. The license can be issued for a Belarusian legal entity only so if foreign company or foreign citizen wants to start online casino in Belarus they have to open a company in Belarus as well as they have to hire a person who has an experience in casino business at least 2 years.

In addition, the organizers of online casino business should have a security deposit on a special account – it will be used to ensure the payment of winnings, as well as for settlements with the budget in case of financial insolvency. The organizers will have to provide tax officials with remote access to a gambling establishment in the network, and the casino itself must be connected to a special computer cash system that provides control over the turnover in the gambling business. The organizers of online casinos will also have to identify their visitors.

In addition, in order to minimize the harmful consequences of gambling, the age limit for visiting gambling establishments, including virtual ones, and participation in gambling from 18 to 21 years has been increased. A ban was introduced for gambling visitors to provide other players with money to participate in gambling, and for gambling organizers it is required to install video surveillance systems in gambling establishments that fix all visitors and pay them money.